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"A glorious celebration of Sudan & the magic of friendship across cultures"

Touring nationally & Internationally. Scroll down for tour dates

"You know Peter, when I close my eyes I can see my country. I can see my village. I can see my people..."

Centre Stage Reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “Tonight I laughed, I learnt, I travelled.” 

A backflip in time, a quick hop back home, with humour and visual poetry, Mohand & Peter will  take you on a road trip through Sudan.

Bouncing on one of the toughest international news of the decade, the two brave clowns fight horror with laughter and build a magnificent pedestal for Mohand's home country. 


Help us bring joy and laughter to refugee centres


"Every day for the past 5 years since we created Borderline, I witnessed how much my cast miss their homes. I saw pictures of beautiful lakes, mountains, and ancient buildings; Videos of family gatherings, birthdays, and silly cats. I Facetimed brothers, sisters, but also nieces and nephews. Those kids that we spoil at weekends but that the people I work with have never held in their arms because they are not allowed to go back. Not for a wedding, not for a funeral, never. Their country is not just a war zone or a Talibans’ nest, it’s their homes. With Mohand & Peter, we aim to celebrate them."  Sophie Bertrand Besse (director)

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"Mohand & Peter changes the conversation about refugees and migration in unexpected, moving and hilarious ways. It is the perfect show for Britain, and the world, right now. "


Tom Green, Counterpoints Arts


The Stage ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “A genial two-hander”

The Star Sheffield ⭐⭐⭐: “Magical and magnificent show. Charming, funny and clever.” 

Centre Stage Reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “Tonight I laughed, I learnt, I travelled.” 

Everything Theatre ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “A glorious celebration of Sudan, and the magic of friendship across cultures”

There Ought to Be Clowns: “Beautiful in both its poetic and physical language, Mohand & Peter is a triumph”.

Theatre-News ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “Master-class of physical theatre. A delight from start to finish.” 

ReviewsGate ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “Funny, consistently entertaining. Beguiling performers”

LondonTheatre1 ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “Broad and refreshing… The portrayals are spot on. An engaging and enthusiastic piece of theatre”  

Mind the Blog ⭐⭐⭐⭐:  “Mohand’s love letter to Sudan is an entertaining & enlightening show – as timely as it ever could be” 

The Family Stage: “For some of us, the show gave us a chance to learn just a little about a country that we rarely hear much about apart from negative news. For others, it represented an opportunity to be transported back to the country they call home and to celebrate it at its best.” 


Events in London: “A skilfully handled trip down memory lane.”


The Prickle: “Explosively funny duo”




CAST: Mohand Hasb Alrosol Abdalrahem & Peter Pearson

DIRECTOR: Sophie Bertrand Besse

SET DESIGNER: Ioana Curelea

SOUND DESIGN: Remy Bertrand & Mohand's friends back in Sudan.

LIGHT DESIGN: Andrew Brock

PROJECT MANAGER: Chiara Virgilio​



« It was so wonderful to see Sudan and Sudanese culture on stage. My son was born here in the UK but I was born in Sudan and it was wonderful to show him this. »  Ali.

« Thank you for talking about my country it’s the first time we have had a show about Sudan. I finally feel acknowledged. » Mohammed.

« I loved that the show was partially in Arabic. It made me travel very far. It felt good to be included in celebrating Sudanese people’s country. Loved it. » Anna.

« I left Sudan 20 years ago and miss it a lot. Thank you because tonight I was back there for an hour » Sudanese audience member


Tour Dates 2024 - 2025

17 Feb - Old Fire Station - (OXFORD)

23 Feb - Portesham (DORSET)

24 Feb - Hallstock (DORSET)

28 Feb - The Cockpit (LONDON)

29 Feb - The Cockpit (LONDON)

2 March - Northern Stage (NEWCASTLE)



13 June - Home (MANCHESTER)

14 June - Home (MANCHESTER)



18 June - Migration Matters Festival (SHEFFIELD)

16 Nov - Valley Arts Centre (BRISTOL)

20 - 24 Nov - International Theatre Festival (KAMPALA -UGANDA)

29 Nov - Appleby Public Hall (CUMBRIA)

30 Nov - Arnside Educational institute (ARNSIDE)

1 Dec - Allendale Village Hall (HEXHAM)

29 Jan 2025 - Coliseum Theatre (OLDHAM)

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لا حدود بعد الآن 


مهند و بيتر سوف يسافران الى كل مكان وأي مكان بسرعة البرق . بالسفر عبر الزمن و العودة الى الوطن من خلال الأسلوب الفكاهي والشعر البصري 

سيصحبانك في رحلة عبر السودان يتنقلان فيها من شخصية الى أُخرى بما في ذلك عُمَر البشير وأبناء عم مهند البالغ عددهم ٤٥٠ والجمل الكسول . 


" أتعلم يا بيتر، عندما أغمض عيناي أستطيع أن أرى وطني،أرى قريتي،أرى شعبي......." 


مهند و بيتر يسلطان الضوء على أحد أصعب القصص الاخبارية على الساحة الدولية في هذا العقد و بشجاعتهما و ِخفة ظلهما سيحاربان الرعب بالضحك لإظهار روعة وجمال أرض السودان . 


العرض سوف يكون باللغة الانجليزية مع توفر ترجمة للغة العربية في هذه الأيام :  

الخميس ١٠ مارس ،السبت ١٢ مارس ،السبت ١٩ مارس ،الأربعاء  ٢٣ مارس ، السبت ٢٦ مارس ،الخميس ٣١ مارس ، السبت ٢ ابريل ٢٠٢٢  

لدينا تذاكر مجانية للاجئين 

© PSYCHEdelight theatre company. 

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